viernes, 28 de marzo de 2008

How much of me is just your voice incarnated in me

I don't recognize me when I get close to you
Everything inside of me becomes joy and then you come close to me
and since those times when I'm not myself, but something from you
you are my happiness, walking around
I don't know if it's clear that I'm dying for you
people to hell, I spoke about what you think
Of course I care about what you think of me! If I'm (still) here
How much of me is just your voice incarnated in me!

And even from my mother that chorus I'd say it is
I don't know if it's understood how special you are to me
to the point that you've even transformed my voice, my former life
and that thing you liked about me, you've saved it

And even though we both know there are no debts of love
thank you for raising my best side
thanks for learning with me to make love, that I didn't know
and that thing you liked about me, you've saved it

How much of me is just your voice incarnated in me!

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